About 300 local workers, in fields ranging from IT to manufacturing to genetic research, will be laid off by the agricultural giant next week. McSantos says these layoffs are routine but some of the workers we interviewed tell a more dramatic story.
"We lost everything." one worker claimed on condition of anonymity. "That fire was no accident. We were hacked and attacked at the same time. Everything, physical, digital.. all of it." Growing sad and quiet, she continued: "We lost all of it. Five [deleted] years." McSantos spokesbeing Arthur McCarter disagreed. "That's ridiculous. Our security is impenetrable, the fire was an accident, and nothing was lost that we didn't have backups for in triplicate. If someone had stolen IP from us we would be suing them into oblivion. These layoffs are about lean McManagement and passing those savings on to our 20 billion delighted customers. We are always looking to leverage efficiently synergistic paradigms." Asked about workers' claims, McCarter said they were "ridiculous conspiracy theories" put forward by "crypto-union thugs".
Asked to respond, our worker-source said "A Union? At McSantos? Are you kidding me? We haven't had a union since the Poultry Strike Massacre back in 2280-whatever-it-was. We're not even allowed to talk to other workers except through official monitored channels. We literally failed to organize a [deleted] coffee pool." The interview deteriorated into incandescent rage at this point and had to be cut short.
- Tommy Wong
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